
Action Vs. Inaction

Action Vs. Inaction

Spring is a great antidote to long cold winters. It's the same with action and inaction. Action is a powerful antidote to the stagnation of inactivity. Being creatively alive involves abandoning a position of inaction in circumstances which have traditionally...

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5 Mistakes I made in 2005

5 Mistakes I made in 2005

Even though I’m pretty happy with how 2005 turned out, there are still some things I wish I had done differently. Here are 5 things I aim to change for 2006 1. Didn’t take time out for me. I admit it, I have the typical entrepreneur bug. I spent way too much time...

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5 Hidden Traps in Meetings

5 Hidden Traps in Meetings

If you have sat through a few bad meetings, you must have experienced the following traps. Here they are and how to fix them. 1) People think they are experts. Many people tell me that they know how to hold a meeting. Actually, all they do is host a party. They invite...

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4 Better Ways to Handle Complaints

4 Better Ways to Handle Complaints

If you WOW a customer at the Moment of Truth , the average customer will walk away and tell 5 people about the experience. If you fail to meet the customer's expectations at the Moment of Truth , customers are very likely to tell 11 people about the problem they had...

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3 Myths That Ruin Meetings

3 Myths That Ruin Meetings

These myths have cost companies billions of dollars in wasted payroll money. Myth #1) Structure spoils spontaneity. I once attended a two-day long disaster that easily cost over $40,000. Thirty people spent the first hour seeking an issue to discuss, then spent the...

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It's time to feel valued and fall in love with your career.