Entrepreneurs are generally seen as innovators, disruptors in the marketplace, strategic investors that value change in business or expansion into a new reality that they have deemed has room to grow in the marketplace. 


The entrepreneur has a very different mindset from a manager or an employee. A manager is used to using existing resources to make an existing business run well. The roles of entrepreneurs and managers are not necessarily incompatible, but entrepreneurs are seldom patient enough to be good managers.


You Have A "Go-Getter" Mindset

A recent study showed that 70% of business startups were by a person who had an entrepreneurial parent.


Research shows that there are checklists for entrepreneurship available that checks and balances someone’s aptitude to become an entrepreneur. Skills that include supervisory and/or managerial experience, business education, knowledge about the specific business of interest, and willingness to acquire the missing necessary skills. 


A commitment to filling any knowledge or experience gap is a very positive indicator of success. Personal characteristics required usually are leadership, decisiveness, and competitiveness. Someone with a personal style that denotes power and self-discipline, able to effectively build a business plan and follow through with it, as well as working well with others.


Research further shows that anybody from any organization can learn how to be an entrepreneur, that it is "systematic work." But there is a difference between learning how to be and succeeding as an entrepreneur. You can earn a degree in entrepreneurship, but does that ensure that you are an entrepreneur? Not necessarily.


You Prefer To Be Self-Employed

The following are the reasons why people go into business for themselves. They are freedom from a work routine; being your boss; doing what you want when you want; boredom with the current job; financial desires, and perceived opportunity. 


Bottom line: you have to be willing to take the risk.


Of all the assessments available to determine your relationship with risk, the true marker remains how you truly see yourself.


Even as employees of a firm, we are self-employed accountable to the responsibilities that we handle. We can easily be left to work “off-site” where our self-starter, self-motivator skills are tested. 


Regarding the concern that companies may want to outsource a specific task to someone with your area of expertise. It has been suggested that almost everyone, up through the highest ranks of professionals, will feel increased pressure to 

specialize, or at least to package themselves as a marketable portfolio of skills.


Your Portfolio Skills Are Remarkable.

Many think they have several years' experience when what they really have is one year's experience several times. Remember, in order to make the jump to entrepreneurship you need to keep fine-tuning your skillset whereby you can be regarded as a trusted and knowledgeable expert in your field.

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