A ‘Four Square’ Statement

A ‘Four Square’ Statement

Here’s a quick and simple way to develop a strategic plan for any written document. And while it doesn’t require much actual writing, it will help you focus your attention and get a better response to your message. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into...
5 Hidden Traps in Meetings

5 Hidden Traps in Meetings

If you have sat through a few bad meetings, you must have experienced the following traps. Here they are and how to fix them. 1) People think they are experts. Many people tell me that they know how to hold a meeting. Actually, all they do is host a party. They invite...
3 Myths That Ruin Meetings

3 Myths That Ruin Meetings

These myths have cost companies billions of dollars in wasted payroll money. Myth #1) Structure spoils spontaneity. I once attended a two-day long disaster that easily cost over $40,000. Thirty people spent the first hour seeking an issue to discuss, then spent the...


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